Local Businesses & Organizations that we support

Keeping it local. We are directly across the street from Shafer, so it just made sense to support the Silver Knights.

Investing in the future!!

Member since 2016, and proud supporter of local businesses

Proud local sponsors of these awesome young swimmers. Rock on Otters!! https://crsw.swimtopia.com/

We support them to support the children of Fort Bend. Clarity Eye Care donates free eye exams and glasses to those children in need. The organization has been successful in large part due to specially trained volunteers and staff who advocate on behalf of abused and neglected children. https://www.cafb.org/

Dr. Bao attended a local meeting headed by Dr. Lisa Graham-Garza about autism. He was inspired in a very informative and emotional way by her presentation. Autism Rescue Angels is a non-profit organization providing financial assistance to autism families in the Houston area for medical, educational or respite needs and to provide funding for programs benefiting those with autism spectrum disorder. http://autismrescueangels.org/

Proud to help these little guys and gals to keep Katy sports strong!

Proud to help sponsor and provide every runner with these awesome UV protectant sunglasses